Mr. Moore was a respected business owner who has incurred the wrath of “Chesterfield County South Carolina Social Elites” through his community works and involvement in local politics. On this page you will find indisputable proof of his innocence as well as indisputable proof of the crimes perpetrated against him by the public servants entrusted by the state of SC to protect you as well. All evidence: video, audio and testimonial is 100% accurate and can be obtained by yourself through the Chesterfield county Clerk of Court VIA the freedom of information act.
Mr. Moore will no longer sit dormant in a South Carolina prison, where he has been held 9 years waiting on relief from a cancerous justice system, plagued by corruption since the day General Sermon burnt Chesterfield to the ground in 1865. (Due to the fact it was the birthplace of the civil war succeeding prior to the state that which it all started,) 
So, in the interest of justice and liberty, Mr. Moore is going public to bring this miscarriage of justice to an end, so that these persons are brought to justice, ultimately protecting you, the impoverished lower class of Chesterfield County South Carolina from the social elite whom will run rough shod over us, until this very date we say no more. ​​​​​​​
1. The Knife before handling and fabricated after handling
no blood on blade
no blood on blade
Garrett Discovery no Blood on the knife
Garrett Discovery no Blood on the knife
Knife after being handled and blood and water placed on the blade
Knife after being handled and blood and water placed on the blade
Knife after being handled and blood and water placed on the blade
Knife after being handled and blood and water placed on the blade
no blood or water in handle
no blood or water in handle
no blood or water in handle
no blood or water in handle
2. The 911 Melissa Griffin Audio
Full audio file too large, you can listen to the full audio Here
3. Store Videos of the incident

first video

second video

third video

a few second part of the fourth video that was deleted by the courthouse after trial, they can no longer provide the video of Gary and Charles allegedly going "round and round in circles" over and over again.

4. Voluntary Interview Part 1 of Gary Moore
Voluntary Interview Part 2 of Gary Moore
Voluntary Interview Part 3 of Gary Moore
5. Interview of Charles Wallace 
6. Carolyn Melton Interview 
7. Steven Hooks Interview
8. Hutchinson Body Cam
As you look at the knife, notice as the knife is closed, you see no water or blood on the blade. When you look in the inside of the handle of the blade, notice all you see is dust and lint, but no blood or water. This shows the fabrication of evidence done with the knife due to the fact that if you recall, blood on a knife blade would be in the handle, and water droplets do not come with blood.
If you read Melissa Griffin's transcripts, you will recall that she stated Gary Moore said "He got what he deserved" or "He had it coming" outside of the door. But when you listen to the audio, you can clearly hear him yell out "Well I'm sorry!" instead. This proves Melissa Griffin committed perjury which is a crime punishable by 5 years in prison minimum. You can also hear Steven Hooks call out "Where's the damn pistol at?", Steven Hooks was also not sober during this incident as he talks about in the 911 audio if you listen to the full audio, so his recollection of the incident should have been omitted.
All three videos show Gary Moore (shirt with white circle) walking down the aisle and Charles Wallace stepping behind him and smacking him, as they fall over, Charles "victim", grabs Gary by the hair of his head and pulls him down. You can see Gary trying to pull away from Charles with his arms. Steven Hooks comes from behind and starts grabbing Gary by the neck and choking him. You can see it go down better in the third video (fast forward to 1:53). 
Take notice of Investigator Burns making derogatory comments toward Gary such as "Big Mouth", but stating at trial he had never met Gary prior... this is also perjury in court due to the fact that Mr. Burns and Gary had history when Gary was trying to get Burns to help him deal with an incident against Charles Wallace prior to the store indeictment.
The fourth video is the proof of a deleted fourth video's existence and so are the transcripts at the PCR hearing and at trial. One of the Chesterfield County Clerk of Courts erased the fourth video (or attempted in this case, since there is proof it existed in transcripts and physically because of their sloppy job at framing Gary). The fourth video was an altered version of the real video from what happened that day at McCormick's groceries. It showed Gary and Charles going around in circles over and over and Gary "stabbing wildly at people". Gary protested to the fourth video (end of day 1 of trial transcripts), and that is why Chesterfield County Clerk of Court erased it. Now, there isn't a video that convicted him, because it was erased by the county, proof of its existence is in transcripts and at the beginning of the fourth video posted. Because that fourth video no longer exists, Gary should no longer be held a prisoner. 
Notice that the knife has no blood on the blade before the camera is turned off on Hutchinson body cam. 
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