The Story of a wrongfully imprisoned Man--currently serving time in South Carolina’s 'GangLand-Prisons'–whom his only crimes was offering a FAIR Public Service to his Community, from a corruptive system and a deranged person.
Gary Moore And his mistreatment by Chesterfield County and South Carolina
How did SC, Chesterfield and the Sheriff investigators hurt Gary and take 7 years of his life as of now, and his chance at being free?
Gary incurred the wrath of Chesterfield County’s Social Elite through his good community work and the business that he had opposition to a lot of the people who run things here in Chesterfield. In addition, these people became angry and bitter with Gary when he tried to bring in new business by opening up a tattoo parlor into the third section of his storefront down at East Maine street; 609 E Blvd.
The county of Chesterfield tried to charge him, harassing him about a dog house he had built for his dog in a section of the shop that they said “wasn’t covered by his business license and only covered one section of the building”. They then tried to convict him for defending himself against somebody who attacked him in his place of business. This is how Mrs. Merry Thomas Lee tried to convict him the first attempt. This is when Gary realized he couldn’t win with Chesterfield county, SC, so he went on the road for a while and moved out of state... only coming back to SC to go to trial. While Gary was home for trial, he was finishing up a job on Steen road and somehow Charles Wallace, who Gary had been having trouble with for the past two years, figures out Gary is over on Steen road and that's why Charles was waiting for him at McCormick's Groceries in Jefferson, SC. When Gary shows up there in that store, he gets attacked by Charles Wallace and his stick buddy Steven Hooks who was hollering to Mellissa Griffin to “Get the pistol" as you can hear in the 911 audio by Melissa Griffin.
The corruption of the cops in Chesterfield County SC, fabricated and altered the knife, shirt and video due to the fact that Investigator Burns is one of the Investigators Gary had gone to when he was dealing with Mr. Wallace and the axe handle incident. The axe handle incident is how he met Investigator Mr. Burns, also being the reason Mr. Burns was running his mouth about Gary (calling Gary 'Big Mouth') which you can hear in the store videos “prior to meeting Gary”. According to Mr. Burn’s testimony at trial, he “never met Gary”, but the truth is, Investigator Burns actually met Gary two years prior to this incident and he didn't want to do his job, so Gary, calling Burns out for doing absolutely nothing about Charles Wallace, upset Investigator Burns enough, that therefore, this store incident was Mr. Burn's "chance" to "get back" at Gary.
Officer Hutchinson and his vendetta against Gary starts at the incident of the magistrates office, where Charles Wallace tried to attack Gary. Charles told Officer Hutchinson and the judge, Mr. Faulkenberry, 15 months prior, “I am going to catch him and kill him at the store,” He also stated that in the entire courtroom in-front of everybody. In the bodycam footage by Tim Hutchinson, who was there, in the magistrate courtroom when Charles attempted to attack Gary, admits to having been there when Gary asks so, in the footage... at trial though, Mr. Hutchinson claims otherwise, stating he hadn't been there, so not only did Melissa Griffin, Steven Hooks, Investigator Burns and many other people commit perjury in court but so did Officer Tim Hutchinson.
After being arrested, Gary Voluntarily interviews with Investigator Burns and Investigator Perry, and as you look through all of the discovery: transcripts, photos, video, audio... you will find that every word Gary has stated in the interview, happened, exactly word for word, at McCormick's Groceries and has been nothing but the truth verbatim.
In the interview, Inv. Burns tried claiming that Gary admitted to this crime. Fortunately, Gary stands up for himself against Inv. Burns, stating, "I never said nothing like that."
Investigator Burns clearly attempted, from the beginning, to railroad Gary. You can see it in the videos, the interviews, and when he is talking to the “victim” Charles Wallace and other people, as you hear him leading and coercing witnesses into saying what he wants.
It is our belief that Mary Thomas Lee and Inv. Burns coerced Melissa Griffin into committing perjury in court, having her testify that Gary calls inside the door before leaving to call 911, “he got what he deserved” or "he had it coming", (or any other way this statement was apparently worded and South Carolina is clearly unable to decide on which version it was).
Listening to the 911 audio by Melissa Griffin will prove Gary didn't in-fact, call out "he got what he deserved", but instead, Gary actually says to Melissa, "Well I'm sorry!". You can also hear Gary screaming out "Get off!" to Charles Wallace multiple times, which lets any person who watches the video of this incident know that Gary was not an aggressor and was trying to get away from Charles Wallace.
Notice when Gary hands over the pocket knife to Officer Hutchinson, the blade was clean. The blade of that knife stayed cleaned the whole time it was on camera in Hutchinson’s police vehicle until he turns his vest camera off and he gave the knife to Inv. Burns. In the knife photos, you can suddenly see blood and water on the blade, except for inside the handle; containing only dust, lint and dirt.
Judge Henderson uses the fourth video to deny Gary Immunity - after you have read and seen the evidence, we are sure you can also see that the fourth video was not submitted to Gary or his attorneys before and after trial... after trial, the Chesterfield County courthouse attempted to delete the fourth video, unable to provide it again, other than a few seconds that was left of it - in transcripts, this video shows "Gary going around and around with Charles, stabbing at people". Gary's attorneys had no idea about this fourth video and neither did Gary. Not only did the courthouse use an altered video and delete it after trial, they also did not submit it into discovery with the rest of evidence provided. The fourth videos existence is proven through admission in TRIAL and PCR transcripts. If you read the denial to his right to immunity, it states that after he was attacked, all of sudden “Gary became the aggressor,”, but this only happens in the fourth video that he objected to; in the first three videos, you can obviously see Gary be attacked, you see Charles grab him by the hair of his head to pull him down and keep him from getting away, then you watch as Gary is trying to push off of Charles with his right arm, to get out of Mr. Wallace's grip; Charles also wraps his legs around Gary.
Neither Gary or his attorneys had any idea about this fourth video. Henderson knowingly used a video that was fabricated and it was on the same CD as the first three videos so he had to watch through the first three videos to get to the fourth altered video. It is actually in the record if you read solicitor Lee's testimony in the PCR hearing, all these videos were on the same CD and all three first videos had been submitted during discovery but Gary’s lawyer said he only received three videos, because only 0three were submitted. The judge had to have been complacent and conspiring with them because how could he look at the first three videos and convict him from the fourth altered video? How did he not know it was different if he isn't incompetent? It would be blatantly obvious that the fourth video was altered anyway - as someone who is decent with video editing and computers, it would be impossible to edit those videos without it being obvious they are edited. Any place like Garett's Discovery for example, could easily prove that the fourth video is and was altered; even I could. This is why the state can't provide this fourth video again because if they did, they know we would take it and have it investigated by Garett's Discovery just like the 911 Audio by Melissa Griffin, and prove it is fake and altered.
Move forward to trial and Gary’s lawyer presented no evidence and did not allow Gary to testify. He had no witnesses, and when he saw the fourth video, it was the first time he or his lawyers had ever seen it. Gary pointed that video out and said “Hold on woah, this video here is different. That video don't match the first three, its longer, brighter and its showing me and this big old man spinning around in a circle in a place that wasn't big enough to go around in circles,” at this point though, unfortunately they convened for the day and took the jury out... the jury did not get a chance to hear him raise concerns about this fourth video. When you hear them talk about it the next morning, the jury was out, so they couldn't hear them discuss it. The jury looked at all four videos and they did not notice a difference to it (which is ridiculous because it was definitely blatantly obvious as these videos were recorded on a phone which makes it ten times harder to create fake altered videos to deceive, and Ai was not a good source of editing at the time and Ai still isn't), you can not have any braincells to not notice an altered video when you see one... Jury did not get a chance to hear Gary's objection to the videos. Notable: they had the jury's checks ready before even giving a verdict; normally, the jury gets a check in the mail after court. They all knew they were gonna convict Gary... they had the checks all ready. Why?
Charles Wallace sat on the stand and told every single judge, the solicitors and every cop, that he tried to kill Gary, he would kill Gary, and he would try to again. But yet, Gary got charged with attempted murder when Charles Wallace was the one who showed every element of attempted murder in transcripts at trial, in prior incidences and in the three videos. How can a judge deny a restraining order after multiple attacks against Gary prior, if not for being corrupt?
Fast forward to Gary's appeal; the Appellate Court, they adopt a quote “State vs. Oates" they compared Gary's case and Oates together for self defense. The difference is Gary was attacked at a place he had a right to be by multiple assailants and he used his pocket knife to get them off. Gary also didn't kill anybody. In State vs. Oates, Oates got angry and so got out of his tow truck, pulled out his pistol and shot the man in the street, in front of his family and then walked up and put a bullet to his own head. That is what the court adopted as their rulings to uphold Gary's conviction.
NOTIBLE: Redmon quoted in his closing statement at Gary's immunity hearing “because there's no audio to the store video, that it became a quintessential jury question.” Redmon and Solicitor Lee omitted the 911 audio because it provided sound to go with the store videos. They knowingly misquoted State vs. Query, in order to get him sent to a jury trial when they knew there was a and there IS audio available that supports Gary's testimony, verbatim. These people omitted exculpatory evidence in order to convict him and deny him immunity. These things are undeniable, irrefutable and indisputable. These are Brady Violations - the state is required to grant him retrial or release him because of this.
The 911 tapes were not submitted to Gary during the discovery process. Gary obtained them himself while in Kirkland, but Larry Knox stated that they were not submitted during discovery.
Dayne Phillips did not prepare Gary for his PCR nor' did he prepare his star witness Tricia Blanchette. Dayne has omitted exculpatory evidence and has fought Gary tooth and nail to not put clear Brady Violation on his case which would guarantee retrial. And now here I am, creating a webpage to call all of these people out for what they have done to my Gary.
Gary's case is now in the Supreme Court and has been sent back ti the Appellate Court - ready for consideration. We are hoping his appeal is accepted since Robert Dudek has provided everything relevant in his case including the court not having findings of fact and conclusion in his case. We do not know how long it will take the Appellate Court to make a decision, but for now we are hoping it will be accepted. It is a good thing the Supreme Court sent it back as this tells the Appellate Court that there has been something wrong done in his whole case so maybe the Appellate Court will do thr right thing this time.