Magistrates Davis and Faulkenberry
Magistrate judge Davis
If not involved in the illegal, criminal, and or unconstitutional deprivation of My son, Gary Moore's right to due process, how do you explain the fact that he allowed Larry Knox, to waive the preliminary hearing requested and signed for by my son Gary, without my son's knowledge; without my sons permission or concern, and without the proper paperwork as required by the United States Constitution, governing his right to due process?
Magistrate judge Faulkenberry
Q-1) if not working in concert with Chesterfield Countie’s Social Elite to obtain an illegal, criminal, and unconstitutional conviction against My Son, how do you explain:
His failure to properly conduct a hearing where My Son was the victim of Charles Wallace (victim)?
His failure to charge Charles (victim) for assault upon My Son in his courtroom and chambers?
His failure to charge Charles Wallace (victim) for repeated threats of death and grave bodily harm directed towards My Son, where he stated in front of multiple witnesses (15 months prior to my son’s defense of his own life) “Ricky, you can’t protect him forever. I’m gonna catch him at the store or somewhere and kill him.”
His refusal to grant My Son a restraining order, despite My Son's multiple requests?
His refusal to acknowledge or document the threats and attack upon My Son in his courtroom and chambers, which was described and verified by the state's witnesses and victim Charles Wallace, which led to the event where My Son was forced to defend his life with enough force to extricate himself from multiple assailants, who were hollering to a third unknown participant to get the pistol?
Judges Henderson, Burch, and Holts
Judge Henderson:
Q-1) Why did he use a video, not stipulated to or presented on the record, or into evidence at the Duncan hearing over which he was entrusted to reside to make his unfavorable and incorrect ruling?
Q-2) Why did he use evidence not submitted to my son or his attorney Larry W. Knox during the discovery process, as required by state VS. Brady.
Q-3) Why did he enter a ruling in my son's absence, without supporting said ruling with any findings of facts as required by law?
Q-4) If not completely incompetent, how could he omit, or overlook, the overwhelming amount of exculpatory evidence presented to him, at said hearing, which far exceeded the requirements of preponderance of a doubt?
Q-5) If not completely incompetent, how could he forgo the evidence, in our hand, which was presented to him on record, if he was not a willing participant, in the illegal, criminal, and unconstitutional acts that lead to the wrongful conviction of my son?
The question is not “if” he did these things because you will find, in his Dunkin hearing transcripts, and Judge Henderson’s ruling, indisputable proof of every claim verbatim. The problem for Henderson and the state is: he made his ruling solely on a piece of evidence not submitted during discovery. A piece of evidence only seen one time, only at Gary’s trial, which was highly documented in the trial transcript, due to Gary’s personal objections (4:30 Day 1) Due to Gary’s objections said evidence (Video #4) No longer exist, except in multiple, detailed accounts, provided solely by the states key witnesses in Gary’s trial transcripts. Henderson quoted said video in his ruling “After Mr. Moore was attacked, he became the aggressor.” The fabricated video (#4) is the only piece of evidence that could Sub____? This claim, In light of its absence, ONLY exculpatory evidence remains, which supports EVERY SINGLE WORD, of Gary’s account, given at his interview by investigators Perry and Burns at which Gary has said statement voluntarily. We must assume incompetent men do not sit SC benches for the sake of justice despite the personal injustice bestowed upon Gary, making his use of a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT VERSION of Evidence as those presented to him less than 24 hours prior, as a conscious decision. In addition to this illegal, criminal, and unconstitutional act, he also went on to adopt an incorrect and adversarial closing argument presented by Kenard Redmond (Prosecutor) where he stated “Because the store video had no audio, and the account of the victim and Gary were so different, Gary’s right to immunity from prosecution became quintessential jury question and therefore must be sent to trial.” Henderson omitted the 911 Audio made by the state witness Melissa Griffin, which provides a clear audio account of the attack upon Gary, by Charles Wallace, from his own deliberations as to his innocence and right to immunity. Upon review of these claims, Gary is sure you will reach the same conclusion. Judge Henderson DID knowingly and willing participate in the illegal, criminal and unconstitutional acts that lead to the wrongful imprisonment of Gary Moore that has thus far cost him 8 years of his life. Henderson should be investigated and removed from the bench before any more innocent persons are convicted. Gary traded a quote during his research that states something to the fact “It’s better that 100 guilty go free, than to have a single man be wrongfully imprisoned”. It’s Gary’s most sincere belief that Judge Henderson would rather lock up 100 innocent men, than let one guilty man go free. For this he must be removed from the bench.
To save you some time, you will find the proof needed in the following materials: In Gary’s “Record on Appeal” by Tricia Blanchette, trial transcripts (Inv. Burns, Inc. Perry, end of day 1, beginning of day 2) Melissa Griffin 911 audio, Gary Moore Interview, Duncan hearing transcripts. We have an investigator currently confirming all claims of evidence tampering.
*History: Unrelated to this incident, He had prior dealings with Henderson. As a family court judge he threatened Gary. He stated “If Gary came before him again he would put him away.” He also presided over a previous case where Gary got into a fight at a get together, and was found Not Guilty of which he disapproved strongly. A master man by the name of J.T Dutton (Gary’s ex-father inlaw) made Gary privileged as to “EXACTLY WHY” Henderson did this but he will not commit that to paper. However Gary will discuss it in depth to the attorneys from Nashville to help them view this ordeal in the proper scope to guarantee their success.
Judge Burch
Q-1) Why did he allow evidence, not stipulated to, or presented on the record or into evidence at Gary’s Immunity Hearing, to be played for a Jury at trial, over which he was entrusted to preside?
Q12) Why did he allow evidence NOT submitted to Gary or his attorney Larry W. Knox Esq, during the Discovery Process, to be presented to a jury, as required by State vs. Brady?
Q-3) If not completely incompetent, how could he over look or fail to investigate or have investigated a piece of evidence not submitted during discovery, that had been altered, he viewed personally from 10 feet and objected to by Gary, on record, in a courtroom, during trial over which he was entrusted to preside?
Q-4) If NOT completely incompetent, how could he forgo his Duty as a mediator of justice all-owing the overwhelming number of unethical and unconstitutional actions to be bestowed upon Gary by the state during his trial?
Q-5) If NOT completely incompetent, how could he allow the railroading of Gary Moore, use of fabricated evidence, testimony of corrupt cops and the false testimony of state witnesses of which we hold undeniable proof of in our hand?
Q-6) If he was not willing participant in the illegal, criminal, and unconstitutuional acts that lead to the wrongful conviction/ imprisonment of Gary, how do you explain that he allowed this misscarriage of justice to continue after Gary made him aware of the above mentioned crimes against his rights, on record, of which we hold proof of in our hands?
~ Once again it is not “If” this occurred, because we have the proof to substantiate these claims beyond “ANY” doubt in our hands. You will find everything you need in Gary’s trial transcripts, mostly around the end of day 1, he tries to cover himself, beginning of day 2. As to the numerous violations, Gary mentioned by the state, see his PCR brief. He believes you will find most of these answers in his “Record on appeal” by Tricia Blanchette. NOTE: During Gary’s trial, Burch went to lunch each day in the same vehicle as the prosecutors and the sheriff was sued for destroying/fabricating evidence in another case just after Gary’s conviction.
Judge Holt
Q-1) Why did he uphold a wrongful conviction at a hearing over which he presided, where the prosecutors acknowledged the use of a video not presented during the discovery process to Gary Moore or his attorneys Knox, Blanchette or Phillips? Proof of which we hold in our hands.
Q-2) How could he uphold a wrongful conviction at a hearing over which he presided where Gary pointed out said Brady Violation on record?
Q-3) How could he completely dismiss the overwhelming amount of exculpatory evidence presented to him on record at a hearing over which he was entrusted by the state to preside after being made aware of on record by Gary?
Q-4) How could he completely dismiss Gary’s request for relief while in possession of the same exculpatory evidence we currently hold in our hand, without fulfilling his duty to support his decision by making findings based on facts and evidence presented to him at Gary’s hearing over which he presided?
Q-5) If NOT completely incompetent or unfit to sit a bench, how could he dismiss Gary’s request for relief if he was not willing participant and or knowingly, willingly, or wantonly assisted in the illegal criminal and unconstitutional acts that have caused the continued wrongful imprisonment of my son?
As Gary has said previously, it's not “IF” this happened. You only need to read his PCR transcripts. If you looked into his claim, one thing he thinks you should take note of: It wasnt one judge, it was EVERY judge, not excluding the appellate court judges, because if you've read Gary’s appeal and review these judges in the proper scope, in light of the facts and evidence, you'll see that even they had proof of Gary’s innocence as well. All anyone has to or had to do was listen to gis voluntary interview by investigators Perry and Burns, and then listen to the background of Mellissa Griffins 911 call, which Gary spent several thousand dollars having cleaned up by Garrett’s Discovery, to be presented to judge Holts, so that he could obtain relief. Holt failed in his role of an honest and fair gate keeper. He never viewed said evidence or made one finding based on it. Gary’s attorney filed a 59-e motion which has now been rescheduled more than five times, extending his wrongful imprisonment by more than fifteen months. Gary does not deny that he spent most of my life as a piece of shit. That is the product of fatherless, abusive and drug infested homes. However, when he left Tennessee nearly 15 years ago, he left that abandoned and abused child that grew up to be a piece of shit, behind. It wasn't easy, he still suffered the same abuses for years, from people and from the “system” he never gave up. He worked day and night, made respectable associations and became respected in his community. He gave back, volunteered his time and money to DJJ and Probation and Parole, mentoring people who came up hard like he did. He went to church regularly and changed his life! Proof of which you can find in his transcripts by judge Burch at his sentencing. Gary’s ex-father-in-law told him before his death, that Gary incurred the wrath of Chesterfield's Elite, when his backing of Richie Yow, cost Amy Brown a seat in the State house (district 53) as a Master Mason, J.T. was able to get answers Gary couldn't, due to his affiliations, and the assumption Gary had that J.T hated him was because of the failed marriage between his daughter and himself. Unknown to them, he was Gary’s best friend and most avid supporter. He was the only person who actually knows the man Gary has become. He has much more relevant information J.T. obtained during his campaign to seek Gary’s release. Things Gary only feels safe converting in person and only under protection. Gary had not wished to reveal as much as he just did, he just couldn't risk having everyone wonder what a reformed piece of shit such as himself, could have possibly done to deserve such treatment, if he is the man of God he claims to be. Please note that these are the least of the injustices and abuses bestowed upon Gary. The police and the solicitors did much worse. You also have proof in your hand of misconduct and crime beyond belief. He will be exposing one participant each day as he has these judges. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter, Hope you all have a wonderful day, God Bless.
Appellate Judges Huff, Thomas, Konduros, JJ
Q-1) IF NOT working in concert with their lower court buddies, Burch and Henderson, to save faith and state, how do you explain their use of state vs Oates (421 SC, 1 / 803 S. E. 2d911) which states: (“If there is any direct evidence or substantial circumstantial evidence reasonably tending to prove the guilt of the accused, the {appelate court} must find the case was properly submitted to the jury”)?
Q-2) If NOT working in concert with their lower court buddies, Burch and Henderson, to save faith and State, how do you explain their omission of all the exculpatory evidence submitted to them, in light of NOT one piece of substantial circumstances evidence presented to them that would tend to prove the guilt of Gary Moore?
Q-3) If NOT privileged to evidence, not submitted to my son or his attorney during discovery, what piece of evidence could possibly explain their affirmations?
Q-4) If NOT working in concert with their lower court buddies, Burch and Henderson to save faith and state, how do you explain their adoption of the lower courts, illegal, criminal and unconstitutional deprivation of his rights, to a fair trial and due process, blindly following a corrupt prosecutor (Lee) whom at that time was named in a civil suit with her husband (Sheriff Lee) for presenting, fabricating and destroying evidence, {same as the claims and the objections made on record by my son at his trial.} without properly investigating the evidence of Gary’s case prior to issuing their AFFIRMATION UPHOLDING said wrongful conviction?
Q-4) If Gary Moore’s case was properly viewed by themselves as required by the United States constitution, and the benches upon which they sit, how do you explain his need of Post conviction Relief and the 5 extra years and counting of his wrongful imprisonment, undeniable and indisputable proof of which we now hold in our hands?
Note: Gary was immediately scheduled for oral argument upon submission of his appeal by Tricia Blanchette (whom is the most tenacious he’s ever viewed online orally) during the proverbial “9th hour” his oral argument was canceled and the above affirmation was handed down with the adoption of state vs oates, where Amendment 3.8 to rule 407 is more applicable.
AG Office Farthing and Marto
AAG Farthing:
Q-1) If not working in concert with Chesterfield County, to uphold an illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction, how do you explain the appeal brief written by himself that extended Gary Moore’s wrongful imprisonment by 5 years and counting?
Q-2) If NOT working in concert with Chesterfield County to uphold an illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction, how do explain his submission to the appellate court of the aforementioned brief where he too, failed to make any findings of fact to support his adversarial claim as to Gary Moore’s right to immunity?
Q-3) If not working in concert with Chesterfield County to uphold an illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction, how do you explain his omission of all the indisputable exculpatory evidence from his conscience, evidence of which we hold in our hand?
Q-4) If not working in concert with Chesterfield County to uphold an illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction, how do you explain his conscious decision to submit said brief to the appellate court where he made no finding of fact and based his entire case on fabricated video evidence not submitted to Gary’s or his attorney during discovery or prior to trial as required by State vs. Brady?
Q-5) If NOT working in concert with Chesterfield County to uphold an illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction and or in concert with their lower court buddies Henderson and Burch to save faith and state, how do you explain the conscious decision to submit the above mentioned brief, void of merritt or any attempt to uphold the integrity or accuracy as to the events of Gary’s case, allowing the appellate court to use a case to deny Gary’s appeal, where said cases only similarity was the words immunity and self defense? State vs. Oates.
Q-6) IF AAG farthing submitted a righteous and constitutional brief observing fairness, integrity and justice as required by his Oath of office, how do you explain the appellate courts use of State vs Oates (421 S.C 1/803 S.E,2d911) which they believed to be comparable enough to be quotes in Gary’s denial on appeal, a case where Appellant “Went back to his truck, retrieved a gun, shot said victim, and then stood over him and killed him in front of his family.”?
Q-7) If NOT working in concert with Chesterfield County to uphold an illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction and or in concert with their lower court buddies (henderson and burch) to save Faith and State, how do you explain his failure to observe amendment 3.8 of the rules of professional conduct, which governs his ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY, upon receiving EVIDENCE that a CONVICTED DEFENDANT IS LIKELY INNOCENT?
Evidence, he and his office received prior to his brief from: Larry Knox Esq, then again from Tricia Blanchette attorney at law, Gary Moore on record on two separate occasions, and then received confirmation from its own prosecutor Mrs Lee as well as from its two “key” witnesses investigators burns and perry. That amount of “oversight” is absolutely inexplicable, irresponsible and void of ethics as required under amendment 3.8 to rule 407 SCACR.
AAG Marto:
Q-1) If NOT working in concert with Chesterfield County to uphold an illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction, how do you explain the PCR Brief written by herself, that has extended Gary Moore’s wrongful imprisonment by an additional 15 months and counting?
Q-2) If NOT working in concert with Chesterfield County, to uphold an illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction, how do you explain her submission to the PCR court, of the aforementioned brief where she too, failed to support her adversarial claims to Gary’s right to Post Conviction Relief with facts and evidence provided to her during discovery?
Q-3) If NOT working in concert with Chesterfield County to uphold an illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction, how do you explain her omission of all the “Enhanced” (Garretts Discovery) indisputable evidence that she personally allowed into the record, prior to filing her proposed order?
Q-4) If NOT working in concert with the Chesterfield County to uphold an illegal criminal and unconstitutional conviction, How do you explain her conscious decision to submit said brief to the PCR court where she made no findings of fact and based her entire adversarial case on fabricated evidence not submitted to Gary Moore during discovery or prior to trial or even to herself as required by State vs Brady.
Q-5) If AAG Marto submitted a righteous and constitution brief, observing fairness, integrity, and justice as well as diligently reviewing the evidence as required by the SC bar and her oath of office, how do you explain her gargantuan oversight of exculpatory evidence and constitutional violations allowed into record by herself which would place Gary Moore’s case back in the lower court for retrial and at a minimum under amendment 3.8 to rule 407?
Q-6) In light of this revelation, proven by any doubt by the evidence we now hold in our hands, what does AAG Marto plan to do to uphold her ethical duties as required by amendment 3.8 to rule 407 to offer Gary Moore and our family relief?
Solicitors Redmond and Lee
Solicitor Kenard Redmond:
Q-1) If not a willing participant in the illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction of Gary Moore, how do you explain the following:
His omission of all exculpatory evidence;?
His failure to properly review the evidence;?
His use of an altered video at the Duncan hearing/trial;?
His adversarial view and abuse upon Gary while questioning him at immunity hearing (Duncan;?
His continued prosecution after his witness/victim admitted to every element of the crime from which Gary was seeking immunity;?
His continued prosecution after his witness/victim testified that Gary met every element of self defense including but not acquired his attempt to avoid/ flee from said attack upon himself by victim Charles Wallace and unknown associates whom were working in concert with Wallace (Steven Hooks)?
His continued persecution once he learned multiple persons had attacked Gary and had been cut but were omitted by police to avoid explaining their failure to charge Wallace and Hooks with gang assault lynching;?
His failure to investigate/verify Gary’s claims which were proven verbatim by state witness.
His incorrect use of law “of State vs Curry” during his closing argument to judge Henderson (immunity hearing) where he also omitted evidence (911 recordings, sound for video stimulated to at hearing video number 1) knowing said evidence existed;?
His continued prosecution, once altered/fabricated evidence was pointed at, to him, on record, by Gary Moore at the end of day 1 of his trial evidence, not presented to Gary or his attorney during discovery, as required by State vs Brady;?
Q-2) If NOT completely incompetent, or a willing participant in the illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction of Gary Moore, how do you explain;
His complete oversight of the aforementioned?
His ethical responsibility to uphold Gary’s constitutional rights under amendment 3.8 to rule 407, when his office was served notice from Dayne Phillips Attorney at law via his PCR brief more than 2 years ago?
His failure to uphold the United States Constitution. His oath of office and his responsibilities to the South Carolina Bar Association?
Note: Redmon was brought onto the case to assist Lee, whom is an incompetent airhead, incapable of obtaining a conviction where the defendant pleads guilty. She obtained a position as all Social Elites do in Chesterfield County.
If NOT incompetent, unethical, corrupt and or morally depraved, how do you explain ANY of the exponential number of crimes, commissions, over sights, alterations, fabrications and constitutional violations bestowed upon my son by: CCSD, Officer Hutchinson, Investigator Perry, Inv. Burns, Sheriff Lee, Kenard Redmond, Judge Henderson, Judge Burch and herself which can be proven beyond ANY DOUBT by audio, video and the testimonial evidence provided by herself during discovery, her personal PCR testimony as well as exculpatory evidence not provided by herself during discovery in violation of State vs. Brady.
Note: Gary can not commit to paper exactly how he knows these things, or whom told him how and where to look. Just know he did look, he connected the dots and CONFIRMED himself EVERY CLAIM made herein and the transcripts provided to him during discovery, and the transcripts provided to him by Lisa Carter, whom also has played a big part in the injustice he has incurred due to his community service, business success and local political involvement where he helped seat Richie Yow in district #53. He is not some “accidental victim”, this was Mrs. Lee’s second attempt to send him. The attack by Wallace was not “accidental”, it was encouraged and assisted via Mrs. Lee, her husband Sheriff Lee and reached into every corner of the local county offices, code enforcement, town police, sheriff dept. and magistrate offices. She was the one entrusted by Chesterfield Social Elites to displace the low class trash that was disrupting their system, embarrassing them repeatedly with goodwill community services and ability to control the vote of the predominantly low class trash citizens that reside in Chesterfield County. Embarrassed by her first failed attempt, Solicitor Lee violated EVERY constitutional right necessary to obtain the wrongful imprisonment Gary endures. This story, once brought to light, will shock this nation, due to the nonchalant attitude in which all those whom participated currently possess. He does not deny his lack of humility and arrogance as a competent and respected 30 year old successful business owner, home owner (not mortgage payer), land owner, whom was sought after for his abilities by all those whom had shared his social class (Poor) growing up. He does not deny his inability to cower or concede when it was the principle he was standing on or defending. He does not deny his use of intoxicants that caused him to commit embarrassing acts while under their influence. How ever, he will say with absolute certainty and conviction, no intoxicant has ever reduced his character or morals to the level of depravity as those of Mrs. Lee and her co-conspirators whom she worked in concert with to obtain the wrongful conviction from which Gary has suffered these past 9 years. Just know, God is good, the abuse, the battery, every trial, every tribulation, every struggle he has ever endured, prepared him for this final test that has left him a better man than he ever dreamed possible. God has given him testimony of Job, by God's grace and through your help obtaining his exoneration, he will be afforded a platform to preach said testimony, reaching further than he had ever imagined during his local works with DJJ, probation and parole prior to his wrongful incarceration. Like Job, he has lost it all, still here he stands, a stronger, more Godly man. He can see his workings in his life daily. He is happier inside a steel box than any penthouse Suite he has ever been in. God has blessed him with a wife more beautiful and talented than the one he lost. A wonderful child to raise, in place of those he didn't but he has lost time with his grandmother, who is 84 now, because of being wrongfully imprisoned. Based only on the godly effect he has had on his beautiful new family, Gary’s belief in the words he currently writes and the belief that its God’s will and the correct time to go forth into the world with his testimony, to right the wrongs of his youth, and defend the widows and children as he would do, as his position of a “GOOD” “RIGHTEOUS” Christian man dictates he should. He thanks all of you in advance for your attention to this and all the paragraphs you'll read on with the same due diligence as he exposes all those whom participated with Mrs. Lee to expedite this modern day miscarriage's of the proverbial “southern justice”.
Thank you and God Bless.
Court Reporter Lisa Carter
Q-1) If NOT incompetent or unfit to properly, fairly and accurately perform her job, how do you explain:
Her misquoting of Gary Moore and ONLY Gary, at EVERY venue on which she reported, making damaging quotes out of exculpatory statements, made by Gary, statements of which we now hold proof of in our hands, in addition to multiple eyewitnesses whom will testify to the same? (See; Trial, Immunity and PCR transcripts)
Q-2) If NOT incompetent and or working in concert with the aforementioned judges and solicitors, Lee and Redmond, to obtain and uphold an illegal criminal and unconstitutional conviction against my son, how do you explain:
Her production of transcripts that did not exist per her own written statement to Tricia Blanchette
Her refusal to provide the transcript tapes when her credibility was questioned by Gary, beginning with her refusal to him and his attorney Knox, Blanchette and Phillips?
Her placement of fabricated statements made by herself on record?
Her failure to properly put on record key events in detail as her clinical responsibility dictates (Gary’s objection in open court, during his trial, to the altered 4th video in judge Burch’s presence along with solicitors Lee and Redmond.
Her failure to put on record Gary’s claim in open court “That video has been altered. That video was not given to me during discovery.”
Her failure to put on record Gary Moore’s outburst to his attorney when the court produced “his” knife (which he wiped clean on his pants, prior to putting back in his pocket and prior to relinquishing said knife to officer Hutchinson) that had been stained by betadine, causing it to appear caked with blood to the jury? (NOTES: bucks 110 stainless steel DOES NOT STAIN BY BLOOD NOR DOES IT RUST, even under the most extreme conditions, Gary has dropped that particular knife in a trash can 18’ deep in deer blood while dressing a deer, fished out, laid it on the picnic table (outside) and forgot it, until he caught his son with it weeks later. You can see on officer hutchinson’s vest cam, that said knife was still in “like new condition” after being wiped off) ALSO: the buck knife he had prior to this one and lost at the creek, had similar stains as the one presented at trial, from his use of it opening a solvent can at work, I.E his outburst in court at trial. THIS WOMAN NEEDS TO BE INVESTIGATED AND HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
Clerks of Court
Gaddy, miles and sellers
Q-1) If these women are not incompetent or working in concert with Chesterfield County’s Social Elite, to obtain and uphold an illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conviction against my son, how do you explain:
Their omission of video 4 to his appeal attorney Tricia Blanchette and PCR attorney Dayne Phillips, when said video was testified to and narrated extensively by state witness inv. Greg burns, a video that showed Gary going around in “circles, stabbing wildly and repeatedly.”?
Their failure to properly secure said 4th video, so we may view it again and have it tested by Garretts discovery, as we did with the “3” submitted to Gary during discovery.
Their inability to produce said video used by judge Henderson to deny immunity, objected to in court by Gary, narrated by Inv. Burns and not submitted during discovery or at the request of Blanchette, Phillips or P.I Pete Skidmore Jr. in violation of State vs. Brady?
Their failure to uphold honor, integrity and fairness to all in the name of justice as the United States constitution dictates they should?
Investigator Burns and Perry
Q-1) If NOT completely incompetent or incapable of performing their job, how could they forgo Gary’s claim of self defense, adopting the claim of his attacker, if they did not knowingly willing and wantonly assist in the illegal, criminal and unconstitutional acts that directly caused the wrongful conviction and continued illegal imprisonment of Gary Moore?
Q-2) If NOT completely incompetent or working in concert with Chesterfield’s Social Elite to illegally, criminally or unconstitutionally convict Gary Moore, how do you explain the following: (Proof of which we have EVERY WORD VERBATIM.)
Their use of derogatory names directed at Gary PRIOR to ever meeting him? (per their testimony)
Their repeated attempts to put false information on record during his voluntary interview? (Where Gary firmly and immediately made Investigator Burns aware of said lapse of judgment)
Their failure to observe Gary's rights under the S.C victims Advocacy Bill, due to the fact he was the victim Charles Wallace, whom had tried to kill my son with an ax handle at his home and then again at magistrate court where he (victim Charles Wallace) stated to judge Faulkenberry, Sgt Hutchinson and 20 witnesses, “Y’all can't protect him forever, I’m going to catch that chicken shit bastard at the store or somewhere and kill him.” (Also made the same threat to Judge Henderson and Burch, Solicitors Lee and Redmond, Sheriff Lee, Investigator Perry and Burns, Sgt Hutchinson, on record at Gary’s immunity hearing and then again at his trial.)
Their production of video #4 (not submitted during discovery) which was used by judge Henderson to deny Gary immunity and testified extensively at trial by Investigator Burns for two days? (Where video did not match the 3 submitted to Gary during discovery, where video showed Gary “Going around and around in circles stabbing wildly at Mr. Wallace who was trying to get away from him?” (See Burns Testimony)
Their failure to use 911 audio by Melissa Griffin as an audio for store video, which supports Gary’s claim verbatim?
Their contamination of Gary’s knife which had been wiped off on his right pants leg, and presented clean to Sgt. Hutchinson on his vest camera? Explain how blood and water got on the blade while in THEIR POSSESSION?
Their attention to the victim's shirt to support the claim of wildly thrusting and stabbing while chasing victim (Wallace) around in circles? (Numerous holes were added to the shirt, holes that do not correlate with the wounds Wallace received during Gary's defense of his life, or with the three videos of the incident submitted during discovery.)
Their choices to perjure themselves to obtain a conviction, where all evidence not fabricated by themselves, pointed to Gary's innocence and supported every claim by himself to them during his voluntary interview?
Their refusal to acknowledge second attacker Steven Hooks and his role in assisting Wallace in the attack upon Gary, until Wallace admitted on record his existence at Immunity Hearing? Whom was cut by Gary while his SECOND attempt to grab Gary around his throat AFTER the attempting to flee/retreat (which he had no obligation to do under SC law where he had the right to STAND HIS GROUND due to the fact: he was in a place he had a right to be, he did absolutely nothing to bring trouble upon himself , and had reasonably believed he was going to die based on previous threats and attempts by Wallace and second attacker Hook’s call to an known (Melissa Griffin) conspirator whom he asked “Where's the damn pistol at?”) (See 911 audio by Melissa Griffin)
Failure to interview produce workers (outside store) whom my son was looking over his left shoulder talking to as he entered the store 2 seconds prior to being attacked? (See store videos 1,2, and 3)
Failure to submit interview of Ricky Watts whom was standing at counter who stated “Wallace said “Watch this” (as he snuck up behind Gary Moore and attacked him, punching him in the head from behind, knocking the hat on his head into the next aisle) (see store videos 1,2,3) Watts made this revelation to Jami Melton, after Gary was illegally imprisoned.
Their allowance of Wallace and associates to destroy Gary's property and the harassment, intimidation and threatening of Gary's grandmother, fiance, fiance's mother and kids via third parties, social media and at their places of business and homes (see police records and copies of screenshots) AFTER my son's illegal imprisonment?
Chesterfield Co. Sheriff's Department
Q-1) If NOT completely incompetent or working in concert with Chesterfields Social Elite to illegally, criminally and unconstitutionally convict and wrongfully imprison Gary, how do you explain:
Their failure to properly charge Wallace for attempted murder, when he testified on record that “He tried to knock Gary's brains out with an ax handle at his own home?” (Charged with damage to property)
Their failure to properly charge Wallace for Death threats made to them personally on 5 different occasions (Ax handle attack at Gary's home #1, Sgt Hutchinson and Judge Faulkenberry at court room, attack #2, interview after store attack #3, Immunity hearing to entire department including Sheriff Lee, Solicitor Lee, Redmon and judge Henderson on record #4. Trial to all of the above mentioned, plus Judge Burch and jury #5)
Their failure to properly investigate Gary's claim of being the victim?
Their failure to properly preserve all evidence?
Their contamination/fabrication of evidence by knowingly, willingly and wantonly placing blood and water on Gary's knife (Hutchinson, Perry, Burns)
Their fabrication/alteration of the store video, particularly video #4 that showed Gary going around in “circles, stabbing wildly”
Their failure to submit altered video #4 to Gary during discovery?
Their failure to properly preserve the crime scene when Hutchinson turned off his vest cam?
Their omission of all exculpatory evidence from their testimonies?
Their lying under oath repeatedly, despite being pointed out on record by Victim Charles Wallace?
Their failure to properly enforce Gary's Rights, afforded to him by the S.C victims advocacy Bill, due to the fact “He was the victim of the victim” at the time he was attacked by Wallace and associates?
Their alteration of State evidence where Burns and Tyler stabbed additional holes in Wallace's shirt to support their claim of “Circling and stabbing wildly” when there is no proof of in store videos 1,2 and 3, or corresponding wounds on Wallace?
Their abuse of Gary during his voluntary interviews?
Their malicious pursuit to convict despite their own admissions to the attack upon Gary?